


Gavin Carruthers | Praxis

The life of a corporate services director

In this insight piece, Gavin Carruthers, Corporate Services Director in our Jersey team, reflects on his journey in financial services. Sharing how his background as a chartered accountant and his diverse experiences in fund administration have shaped his career, Gavin discusses the value of mentorship, the rewarding aspects of teamwork and client service, and his excitement for the future of corporate services at Praxis.


What was your route into your role?

I’ve been working in onshore and offshore financial services for 26 years. Initially trained as a chartered accountant, I worked in the audit industry, auditing trading businesses and later funds and pension schemes. I moved to Jersey in 2003 to begin my career in offshore administration.

I have gained experience in a broad range of the financial services the industry offers, having spent time working in structured finance and capital markets, employee benefits and real estate administration; however, my most significant experience has been in fund administration in which I have worked for the last 14 years, the last seven of which in head of fund administration roles.

My accounting qualification has been highly beneficial to my career as the analytical discipline is essential to my work, in addition to having insight into the complex financial structures that I have administered. I also believe that having a broad range of experience in the financial services industry has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the services that are offered to better serve our clients’ needs.


What do you appreciate most about building your expertise in corporate services?

I’ve been incredibly lucky to have had a handful of mentors during my career who saw potential in me and helped me grow and develop into the role I have today. I really appreciate the time and effort they gave me to build my experience and point me in the right direction.

I also appreciate the fascinating insights I’ve gained over the years by assisting our clients with their businesses and assets. The types of business undertaken is huge, and it’s been rewarding to see future technologies in their infancy when they are receiving start-up investment, including in the areas of AI and sustainability.


What is the most rewarding part of the job?

Working in financial services is very much a team job, and as I benefitted from some great mentors, the most rewarding part of my role is being able to help colleagues in my team develop and achieve their career potential. I’ve been part of some great teams, and when teams are happy and fulfilling their potential, they deliver excellent client service.

I also get great satisfaction when I feel that we have been able to help our clients with unexpected or non-routine administration, for example, delivering on a short deadline or assisting with the implementation of new regulatory or statutory changes. It is often when the unusual happens that we can demonstrate our added value.


What are your career goals from here?

I’ve joined Praxis at a very exciting time for the business in terms of its investment in growth. Praxis recently launched its new company secretarial offerings, CoSec LITE and CoSec Classic, further building on its well-established corporate administration capabilities. Praxis is investing in both its funds business in Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) and its company secretarial services in the UK and Jersey, with further developments in the pipeline as part of the Group’s strategic growth plans. I am looking forward to being a part of this growth and working with our offices in our other jurisdictions to develop and offer further new corporate services to our clients.


What’s it like to live and work in Jersey?

I moved to Jersey from Scotland 21 years ago, and I think Jersey is an excellent place to live and work. Aside from the slightly better climate, Jersey offers a super work-life balance. In Jersey, one has the opportunity to have an excellent and fulfilling professional career in the internationally recognised financial services sector, and it is also a great place to bring up a family. The island has wonderful beaches, good services, nice restaurants, a high standard of education and is a safe place to live. With little commuting, I get to maximise my time with my family and don’t miss out on important school events and time together - it’s a great work-life balance.


If you would like to find out more about a career in corporate services, please contact Gavin or a member of the team. Our latest vacancies can be found on our careers page.