


Three Yachts | Praxis

Gibraltar Yacht Registration

Gibraltar Yacht Registration

1 Jan 2021


  • Non-EU jurisdiction but status of location confusing.
  • No tax on any profits earned.

Port of Registry

  • Non-EU status but location confusing.
  • No chain of title required for registration – only a Bill of Sale with Deletion Certificate.
  • Yachts must be under 20 years of age on initial registration.
  • Renewable 3 month Provisional Registration available. Certificate of Registry renewable annually.
  • Gibraltar representative required for yacht owned by non Gibraltar company or over 24m. No annual taxes.
  • British companies or persons are qualified for registered ownership.
  • Private Pleasure yachts or charter yachts under 24m are accepted on Private Register. Separate Commercial Register available over 24m.
  • Radio licences only issued on completion of registration.